cafe scientifique



David Odde and Carl Flink

How do cells crawl?

Understanding the migration of cells through the movements of humans

Thursday 30 April 2015   |   Atta Galatta

Cell migration is a normal part of human development and immune function. However, cancer cell can become highly migratory and thereby drive tumor progression. We would like to understand how cell migration, which resembles a crawling process, occurs at the molecular-cellular level so that we can predict, and ultimately limit, tumor progression. I will present an overview of the mechanics of cell migration and the methods that we are using to study the process, including a new dance movement-based methodology we call “Bodystorming,” which I am engaged in with University of Minnesota Prof. Carl Flink, Artistic Director of the Black Label Movement Dance Company. Finally, I will outline how these findings may improve cancer diagnosis and treatment. 

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Image 1 - BLM_WAM_BoysFly_2013 copy (1)